Car insurance quotes are often unbelievably high, if you get hooked by a "named" insurance company. Named companies always have a way of making you pay for that brand name. However, no one is interested in brand names, what we all need is a company that can provide us with reliable car insurance with low rates.
Lower car insurance rates can be gotten from insurance companies if you are a returning customer. If you have insured either life or property with an insurance company before and you are returning for car insurance quotes, you will definitely be regarded as a loyal customer and this will be rewarded by discounts on your quote. Someone who is walking into the same company first time will not get the same quotes as you. So if you have a couple of things that you may want to insure like your yacht, home or even motorbike, you can do that before proceeding for a car insurance. This will ensure that you get lower rates on car.
Also, people with clean driving history attract lower quotes from insurance companies. This is because such people are less likely to be involved in an accidents. If you pay premiums for a whole year and your car is not involved in any accident, the insurance company owns the profit. But if your car is involved in accidents every month, you put them in an expenditure which may be more than the premium you are paying. This is why people with bad driving history get higher car insurance quotes.
by:Diamond Bonny
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